Icebreaker: Book Review

Staff Writer shares their opinions on TikTok famousromance novel

from Vocal Media

Honestly, I never thought I would be such a fan of popular romance books found on TikTok. Romance used to be one of my least favorite genres to dive into growing up, nonetheless, but I am going to share one of my favorite books I have read so far in 2023, “Icebreaker” by Hannah Grace. 

Honestly, I do not know where to start. This book only took me about two hours to read which for me is a personal record. We are all used to reading those boring textbooks and most times, there is a big chance that we simply cannot even finish a single textbook in a whole semester. I was pretty surprised when I was able to finish a book that quickly. 

Something about this book however, grabbed my attention. Not only is the cover super cute but the content of the book kept me reading and reading. My eyes were glued on my Kindle and I could not put it down.

 The two main characters, Nate and Anastasia were fundamentally very different from each other.  Anastasia’s character was created to be a complete control freak and a total grump about 70% of the time while Nate was labeled as extremely laid back and had this arrogant, sunshine personality. This made the bickering scenes in this book even more amusing to read. 

As a romance book, I would for sure say that this book has one of the best romantic plots compared to any other book I have read. The scenes were so heart-melting that I fell in love with the characters myself. The vibes from both characters were just absolutely swoon worthy and exciting, especially when Nate proves to Anastasia that she is beautiful no matter what.

 I also loved how there was no miscommunication trope within the novel like there is in other romance novels. The book being about 500 pages long gives you the best of both worlds; showcasing both points of view. This shows the satisfaction and tension of their relationship throughout the novel. 

Lastly, this book was definitely a comforting read. The novel takes place in a college, and is centered around the sports of ice skating and hockey. It feels very sentimental to me considering how much time flies. I feel as if I also relate to the read because I am in college, therefore being able to connect with the book on a more personal level. I also enjoy the Halloween and Christmas scenes that made the book an even more enjoyable read. 

Overall, I would rate this book five stars. I don’t think I have ever read a book as quickly as I read this one. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a big fan of romance or anyone who just wants a light, easy, and fun read. You can find this book at Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, and on the Amazon website. I heavily recommend you purchase this book on a Kindle if you have one, it’s a lot cheaper.