On Saturday, Feb. 3, Christopher Newport University and Virginia Peninsula Community College jointly presented their new transfer program at the halftime of the CNU Men’s Basketball game. The program, which has gone into effect, aims to make transferring from VPCC to CNU easier and more accessible for students.
The program will allow transferring students access to pre-advising, priority for university housing, and an application fee waiver. It is guaranteed that all transferable credits from VPCC will be accepted at CNU and access to need-based financial aid will be available.
“What excites me most is that we truly open our doors to students who want to pursue a four-year education,” said President Kelly.
Not only do both presidents see it as a boost to their respective schools, but also a boost to the surrounding community.
“The workforce issues on the peninsula are jarring and our employers are looking to keep talent here in Virginia. And I’m hopeful that this [agreement] helps keep more talent on the peninsula and specifically in Newport News,” said VPCC President Towuanna Brannon.
A growing number of students are already planning to utilize the program with VPCC and CNU, with Kelly and Brannon hope more will use it in the future.