Welcome back, Captains! We hope you had a wonderful winter break. Coming back from a long break has its ups and its downs. A few challenges may be getting back into the groove of things. New classes are exciting, but change can be daunting. Here are a few things to help get your mind off of vacation mode and back into Captain mode.
1: Organize your work
Staying organized is crucial. By the end of the semester when you’re tired and ready for summer break, you don’t want to be kicking yourself for realizing you forgot an assignment or project. One helpful way to stay organized is to put all of your course assignments with their corresponding due dates into a Google Sheet. You can also utilize folders and binders to help keep loose papers organized.
2: Set a routine
This past break, I was staying up until 2 a.m. and waking up at noon or later almost every day. Now that I am back, I have a 5 a.m. alarm clock that is breaking my messed up sleep schedule. Starting a routine and sticking to it is hard, but once you get used to it after some time, it will make your day to day so much easier. Your body and mind will get used to the consistency of your newfound routine, which can help with keeping your energy levels and stamina up throughout the day to help you be most productive.
3: Make time for yourself and your friends
Coming back can sometimes feel like you suddenly have to jump back into mountains of assignments, but don’t forget to take time for yourself and your friends. Many of us travel pretty far when heading home for breaks. Your friends here missed you! Don’t forget to take time away from your studying to reconnect with your friends and take time to recharge yourself.
4: Utilize your resources
Christopher Newport University offers many fabulous tools and faculty to help us not only graduate, but thrive as our time during and after college. Do not be afraid to reach out to the Office of Student Success, the Center for Career Planning, Peer Tutoring or even your advisors and professors to help you be the best you this semester. They are here to help!
5: Visit the Involvement Fair
The Involvement Fair is this Friday in the David Student Union (DSU). Whether you’re a freshman, a transfer, senior or anywhere in between, the involvement fair offers an excellent opportunity to see all that this campus has to offer. Join a club or an organization or simply go to connect with your fellow captains. There are a ton of different ways to get involved on campus, go find what works for you!
This campus offers so many incredible opportunities, classes and experiences. Let’s make this semester a great one. Go Captains!