Seeing snowfall in Virginia for the first time in a few years was quite a magical experience. Many people took this time to go out and play in the snow, doing traditional activities such as building a snowman, making a snow angel or engaging in a snowball fight. However, there are so many more unique activities that you can do the next time it starts to snow. I’ve listed some of these activities below.
- Snow art
Did you know that you can create snow art? This is a very easy and fun activity to do. First, you just need to grab a set of watercolor paints. You can find these practically at any craft store. From there, you just paint the snow as you would a sheet of paper. The best part about the snow is that the color spreads and creates these beautiful patterns in the snow. This is such a good way to test your creativity and make some very beautiful paintings.
- Freezing bubbles
This was an activity that I enjoyed doing when I was younger. The concept behind this activity is to blow a bubble and place it gently on a very cold surface. Once the bubble sticks to the surface, it will start to freeze, creating this icy sphere. In order for this to happen, the temperature outside will have to be under 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Snow fort competition
Trying to build the biggest snow fort was one of my favorite winter activities, especially when the snow is the perfect texture for it. However, turning it into a competition is even more fun as it gets everyone amped up and excited. This is the best time to showcase your problem solving skills all while having a little bit of fun!
- Use the snow to draw
Having a thick blanket of snow covering your backyard is one of the coolest things ever. Not only does it look absolutely beautiful, but can be used as a drawing pad as well. You can draw practically anything in the snow and maybe even play a game of tic tac toe. Nothing sounds better than having a free canvas to draw on.
- Snowflake photography
If you like photography, you will love taking pictures of snowflakes. Using a macro lens on your camera can help with zooming in and capturing the true beauty of a snowflake. For those who don’t have a high definition camera, using your iPhone camera could also work with the correct lighting and zoom settings.
I hope you end up trying one or two of these new activities for when it snows again! Even if you don’t like the snow, getting creative and making the best out of the situation will lift your spirits about the wintery weather. Just remember that creativity has no limits!