On Feb. 7, Christopher Newport University President Bill Kelly addressed the CNU community in an email detailing a historic step the University would be taking. This step included the Board of Visitors voting unanimously to adopt the CNU Strategic Compass.
This site is to provide a space for the CNU community to connect and serve as a vision of shaping the future of CNU. The Compass will be shared with the student body at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 25 in the Torggler Presentation Hall.
“I look forward to the opportunity to share our Vision and the Compass, as this has been a collective effort, and it is important to ensure we share the work broadly and listen to your questions and concerns,” he said.
The Compass will be shared with the student body at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 25 in the Torggler Presentation Hall.
“Congratulations and thank you to all who made this day possible,” President Kelly stated in his email to the CNU community on Feb. 7. “Because of you, the future of this University we cherish is bright and our direction is clear.”