Stepping into spring break, Christopher Newport University (CNU) students and faculty took part in the Newport News, VA 11th annual One City Marathon races on Feb. 28, March 1 and March 2. The races included the One City Marathon, half-marathon, Maritime 5k and the Nautical Fun Run.
The full marathon track took runners through parks, water ways, historical neighborhoods and concluded downtown near the Newport News Shipbuilding Yard.
On March 1, CNU President Bill Kelly posed for one of his iconic selfies with students and faculty runners after running the Maritime 5k. He wrote in an Instagram post, “Chilly morning but our Captains showed up in style to run the One City 5k. Best wishes to all the Captains running the ½ and full Marathon tomorrow. Go Captains!”
For senior Alek Paulson, the Maritime 5k on Saturday, March 1 was her first race since being a fifth grade elementary school student. She and a group of her friends, including senior Kaleigh Branum, along with juniors and avid runners Patrick Miele and Rachel Williams. Miele competed in the marathon last year.
“My mom told me in college I would be peer pressured into drugs and illegal activities. My mom was wrong, because I got peer pressured into a 5k,” Paulson said.
Paulson said that although she got little sleep the night before, it felt great to finish the race.
“It felt like a big accomplishment and I had a severe running high after,” Paulson said.
Paulson also said that it was “so nice” to see people cheering her and her friends on as they crossed the finish line, greeting them with snacks and water.
Paulson and her group celebrated their accomplishments by getting lunch afterwards, and stated that she was proud of all of them.
Seniors Anthony Berry and Dylan Frederick, who are active athletes and rugby players, ran the One City Half-Marathon on Sunday, March 2.
“Running the half-marathon gave me another goal to strive for outside of school and rugby,” Berry said. “Training took time, discipline and discomfort. [It] was a transformative process.”
Berry and Frederick prepared themselves for facing the 16 degree cold at the 6 a.m. race by going to Brickhouse Tavern the night before to drink several pitchers of water and load up on carbs before getting to sleep early.
Berry finished with a time of 2:35 and Frederick finished with a time of 2:32.
This marathon is a Boston marathon qualifying race, having an 18% qualifying rate in 2024, according to Newport News Parks and Recreation.
Next year’s races will take place from Feb. 27, 2026 through March 2, 2026; including a marathon, half-marathon, the Maritime 5k and the Nautical Fun Run.