You felt that a whole week at home was just too boring to you. You also dislike change and disruptions to your normal everyday routine. Despite this, you did have a relaxing spring break which was much needed for your burnout. Your sleep schedule got very messed up and you desperately wanted to fix it before coming back to college but was unsuccessful.
You weren’t able to cross everything off your spring break bucket list before heading back to college and you are not happy about it. While everyone was out traveling and having a fun time, you stayed at home googling how much a flight to Costa Rica costs. By the time you figured out how much a four day vacation costs, you slammed your laptop shut and went to sleep.
You spent your spring break helping your family out with their spring cleaning. Your parents finally realized that they had way too much clutter in the house and you wanted to be helpful by helping them get rid of it. This task took the entire week, but your parents were grateful for your help and gave you some spending money to use.
During spring break, you decided to conquer one of your fears and try something new. Usually, you are comfortable doing the same thing for spring break every year but wanted to step outside of your shell and do something different. Despite trying something new, you still do not like it, but can say that you accomplished something.
You most likely worked during your entire break to pay for more Starbucks and Subway when entering the final stretch of the spring semester. Despite wanting to use spring break to relax, you woke up every morning at 8am to go to your 9-5 job you’ve had since you were 17. While you didn’t have the time of your life, you now have enough money to reward yourself with Starbucks and Subway for two weeks before you run out of money again.
You most likely have done the craziest things during spring break. You crave adventure and new experiences, most likely partaking in a crazy activity such as mountain climbing or skydiving. When that wasn’t satisfying enough for you, you most likely tried to beat some sort of crazy world record. Either way, you had a good spring break and are not looking forward to heading back to college.
You were so excited to return home to see your family. You didn’t travel anywhere during spring break unless your family came with you. In all the pictures you took with your family, one person is either making a silly face or not looking at the camera. You still post the photos on social media anyway. When spring break was over, you were very sad to leave your family.
You most likely wanted your spring break to be big. You spent months preparing for spring break by renting the perfect AirBnB and planning the perfect itinerary. You want to go somewhere where there is a beautiful beach so you can take Instagram pictures in all your nice outfits. You don’t worry about the cost until after hitting the purchase button, knowing that you can work during college to replenish your bank account.
You used spring break as a week to organize. You went through 3,000 emails in your inbox and finally replied to people. You also organized paperwork for your classes and edited your Google Calendar. Even though you promised yourself you would not do any college work on break, you felt that getting organized doesn’t break that rule. Everything may be organized now but you are aware that it might not stay that way as you get closer to finals week.
You most likely indulged in one of your hobbies during break. Whether that be painting or sewing clothing, you have a very creative mindset when in a different place. Sometimes, you indulge a little too much and end up forgetting what time it is. Your sleep schedule is definitely messed up and you attempted to fix it before going back to college.
During your spring break, you decided to spend it with friends back at home. You don’t see them very often and want to catch up with them. However, catching up with them somehow ended with you going on a shopping spree as you dropped hundreds of dollars on new spring clothing. At least you had a fun gossip session with your besties.
You didn’t waste your time googling flights and hotels. Instead, you opted to venture to local places for a cheaper cost. To save a good sum of money, you decided to visit the nearest national park and take a hike around a mountain. You loved the adventure until you tripped and got hurt. Now you understand why people google flights and hotels.