Everyone has a different type of friend group with a variety of people in their circle. Personally, I have different types of friends for different things. Not to mention, they are all in different places. For example, I have childhood friends, friends from work, friends who I meet in classes, lifelong friends and built-in best friends. However, all of these friends have things in common, and these are the reasons why I keep them around. Here are some of the reasons.
- They root for your success
True friends love to see you succeed and achieve your goals. They help you reach those goals and will do anything they can to help you. Friends who may not have the best intentions will act jealous, shut down when you mention a milestone in your life or just flat out don’t care. So, don’t let go of those friends who celebrate your small and big wins.
- They remember the small details
Someone who really cares for you and your wants and needs will remember what it takes to fulfill those wants and needs. These kinds of friends will remember that you like your crust cut off of your sandwiches or that you prefer to sleep on the left side of your bed. The best kinds of friends know the smallest, and seemingly insignificant, details about you and actually care about them.
- They stick with you when you’re struggling
I’ve seen too many friendships end because one friend abandoned the other when they were at their lowest. Too many times out of ten, a bad friend will only hang around someone when it’s convenient for them and when they can get something out of the hangout. True friends, however, stick with you when you’re at your lowest and your worst. Whether you’re having the time of your life or are in a dark spot, real friends will be there no matter what it costs.
- They defend you behind your back
Gossip gets between too many friends and breaks up too many relationships. Even the smallest negative comment behind someone’s back can ruin a lot. A friend who will hype you up when you’re not in the room, or defend your reputation when people are trashing it are the friends you absolutely want to keep around.
- They go out of their way to see you
I am a firm believer that someone will make time for what they want. No matter how busy I am, if I want to see them, I will make a way. Even if its at 3am. That being said, the friends that go out of their way to invite you to places, or include you in plans, are friends you are lucky to have. They won’t make you their second choice or an afterthought, nor will they make plans right in front of you without inviting you. With good friends, you won’t always have to initiate plans or ask. They will go out of their way to start the conversation about plans too.