I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I hate daylight savings time with a passion. For those of you who don’t know, daylight savings originally started over 100 years ago, in 1918, as a way to conserve power and have people be able to work later in the day, CBS8 reported. This year, the one hour time change occurred on Sunday, March 9th, and just had to fall on an inconvenient day; the day where Christopher Newport University students had to return to campus post spring break. During the early hours of the morning, the clock on our iPhone, which changes automatically, jumped from 1:59 a.m. to 3 a.m.
However, now most people aren’t doing jobs like farming that require the extra light and thus this time change seems outdated and unnecessary for us to continue making people do. I don’t know anyone who likes losing an hour of sleep, even if the sun does stay up longer during the day now. The only possible good thing about this change happening today is technology updating for us, instead of everyone having to remember to manually change every clock in their household the night before. Though I bet that some of you still slept through your morning Monday classes if you forgot what day it was or only looked at the clocks in your dorm room kitchen.
Losing that one hour made me very upset. Being a night owl, I could’ve done so many productive things in that hour, like play another round of Fortnite or bother my friends by spamming text messages. Not to mention, it doesn’t matter what time you go to bed, you will end up feeling tired the next few days no matter what as your body takes the time to readjust. I had to get my butt back to CNU to attend classes on Monday, and let me tell you, Interstate 64 is a whole different ball game when you are lacking sleep. It seems like everyone’s mission is to just make you mad. I had to chug a diet coke before I hit the road, and in all my years of living in the United States, I have never ingested a diet coke before.
Before I go on another tangent, that one hour of sleep would have made a difference. I’m not saying that an extra sleep would solve all my problems, but at least I wouldn’t wake up and give everyone the side eye. Not only is waking up early difficult, but I could barely fall asleep on Sunday night. I had to ingest two melatonin gummies instead of my usual one in order to fall asleep.
I never understood daylight savings and I never will. I think it’s just very dumb and makes everyone, especially college students, suffer more than they need to. Every person you run into will talk about how tired they are and the finger points straight to daylight savings. In short, that one hour that was disrespectfully taken away from us needs to come back. Daylight savings needs to leave the Earth and go somewhere else. Go bother people from a different planet and leave us alone.