With finals right around the corner, many individuals are stressed about what to expect this semester. Sometimes it can be difficult to complete difficult assignments all while making sure to take care of yourself as well. Here I have listed a couple tips on how to de-stress with finals coming up right around the corner.
- Eat with others, not alone
I know that work starts to pile up the week before finals as we devote every second of our time into our academics. However, don’t be one of those individuals who tries to eat while doing homework. I am guilty of this too, and sometimes I don’t even finish my entire meal because I am so tuned in on the assignment. You want to take this time to enjoy your meal and spend time catching up with friends instead of locking yourself away. When you start doing this more frequently, you start to feel much more lonely, as you haven’t seen many people in a while. So, just take the 30 minutes to eat and engage in some healthy conversation with your friends.
- Wind down on coffee and drink alternatives
It’s understandable that coffee really helps boost your energy and mood, but people go so far as to drink three cups of coffee a day, which can be incredibly unhealthy. Not only this, but people also drink coffee very late at night, which is also not good for you. Instead of relying on multiple cups of coffee a day, try drinking a single cup of coffee and then drinking tea the rest of the day. Not only does tea have less caffeine in it, but it also possesses many antiinflammatory properties that can help your body fight off illnesses and improve your mood and cognition.
- Call family frequently
With the semester becoming so hectic so quickly, sometimes it can be difficult to manage all that stress by yourself. That is why it is so important to call your family members frequently. Whenever I am very stressed out, I like to call my mom and ask for her advice on what to do. Honestly, my mom always offers the best advice for when I’m stressed or stuck. Just remember that despite you living your own life and being so far away from home, your family always wants to help you succeed. Calling them frequently will not be a bother to them.
- Read, play games, or watch TV
When de-stressing, make sure to do something therapeutic. This can be reading a good book, playing video or board games, or evening watching your favorite TV show. When doing something that you love, you will experience increased happiness, motivation and a sense of fulfillment which can lead to improved mental well being and higher productivity. Do not burn yourself out by working 24/7. Make time for yourself.
I hope these tips help you conquer the stressors from final exam week. Remember to persevere towards this stressful time. You’ve got this! Have a good and productive week and I’ll see you next semester! Go Captains!