- Sunscreen is not just for summer
When you think of sunscreen, you probably think of the summer time. Well, sunscreen is not just for the summer. The sun is still out during the winter, giving the UV rays every ability to penetrate the skin. What makes matters even worse is that when it snows, the sunlight reflects off of the snow and can also penetrate the skin, damaging it. That’s why it’s always important to apply sunscreen to your face year round, especially during the summer and winter months.
- Add moisture into your home
When consistently running heaters in your place of residence, the air becomes dry which can also make your skin incredibly dry. A good tip for this is to invest in a humidifier. This will help with moisture in the air, which gets absorbed into your skin. This is especially important if you get dermatitis flare ups in the winter.
- Cover your skin
When going outside, make sure to cover your skin. Being in the cold can cause intense skin irritation, especially on the face. Wearing items such as beanies, scarves and gloves will be incredibly helpful in protecting your skin from the cold, especially if you will be outside for longer periods of time.
- Carry lip balm
Your lips tend to get chapped in the winter which is not the most pleasant feeling in the world. That’s why it’s important to carry around a good lip balm. My favorite lip balms are the Aquaphor Stick and the Medicated Blistex Stick. For lips that are so unbelievably chapped and painful, vaseline is really good as bringing hydration back into the lips.
- Choose comfy clothes
Skin can get easily irritated in the winter, so it’s important that you choose articles of clothing that won’t irritate your skin further. That means wearing shirts under your wooly sweaters or swapping synthetic fabrics with cotton. With the weather being so harsh, just make sure to dress in whatever is most comfy to you.
- Exfoliate wisely
For all the people that love to exfoliate their skin in the shower, take a pause. When the weather is incredibly cold, it’s best to exfoliate only once or twice a week. Because there is not much moisture in the air, over-exfoliating the skin can lead to some intense irritation. Also, you just don’t need to do it all the time, so save yourself some time and money.
I hope these tips are helpful in preparing your skin for the colder weather ahead. Remember, your skin is one of the most important organs in your body, so take really good care of it!